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Tuples are simply a finite, ordered sequence of elements.


To create new Tuple use named constructor of which accepts a variable number of arguments:

$tuple = Tuple::of('Munus', 'is', 'awesome');
$tuple = Tuple::of('currentTime', new \DateTimeImmutable());

Tuple implements built-in ArrayAccess interface. This will allow to use it like normal array:

$tuple = Tuple::of(4, 2);
$tuple[0]; // holds 4
$tuple[1]; // holds 2

Tuples in Munus are immutable. This means that the assignment instruction will end with an exception:

$tuple = Tuple::of('Munus', 'is', 'awesome');
$tuple[1] = 'is not'; // UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown


  • arity(): int - returns the number of elements in this tuple
  • toArray(): array - converts tuple to php classic array
  • append($value): self - appends new $value to the end and returns new Tuple
  • concat(self $tuple): self - merge one tuple with other tuple and returns new one
  • apply(callable $transformer) - transforms tuple with given $transformer, transformer will receive array in the argument
  • map(callable $mapper): self - maps tuple to other tuple
  • equals(self $tuple): bool - return true if given tuple contains identical values in identical order