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Unfortunately the List is a reserved keyword in PHP so the list in Munus is simply called GenericList.

An immutable GenericList is an eager sequence of elements. Its immutability makes it suitable for concurrent programming (which not directly supported in PHP ;)).

GenericList is composed of a head and a tail. Head contains first value, tail is another list instance. The list has two implementations available:

  • Nil which stand for empty list
  • Cons which stand for a list with one or more elements (consisting of a head and tail)


$list = GenericList::empty();
$list = GenericList::of(1, 2, 3);
$list = GenericList::ofAll([1, 2, 3]);

You can also create GenericList for a range of numbers:

$list = GenericList::range(2, 15);


List contains couple specific methods (in addition to those normally available for any Traverasable):

  • prepend($element): self - add $element to the begging of list and returns new instance
  • append($element): self - add $element to the end of list and returns new instance
  • reverse(): self - change the order of elements to reverse and returns new instance