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Map is a specific collection. It differs slightly from the other collections because it consists not only of the value (V) but also of the key (K). The current implementation allows only string keys.


$map = Map::fromArray(['key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2']);

You can also create empty map and put values to it using put method:

$map = Map::empty();
$map = $map->put('php', 'is awesome');

Remember that put will not modify Map, instead of it will return new Map instance with one more key.

Value extraction#

To get value for given key use get method. It will return Option object which will be empty for non-existing key.

$map = Map::fromArray(['php' => 'is awesome']);
$map->get('php'); // returns Some('is awesome')
$map->get('hph'); // returns None()


Map contains couple specific methods (in addition to those normally available for any Traverasable):

  • put(string $key, $value): self - add value for given key and returns new map instance (if key exist value will be replaces with newer one)
  • remove(string $key): self - removes existing key and returns new map instance (or same if key not exists)
  • mapKeys(callable $keyMapper): self - maps all keys with given $keyMapper
  • mapValues(callable $valueMapper): self - maps all values with given $valueMapper
  • merge(self $map): self - merge with other map, if collisions occur, the value of this map is taken
  • containsKey(string $key): bool
  • containsValue($value): bool


Unlike other traversables, the Map behaves differently for several methods.

contains($element): bool method will search for Tuple of key and value:

$map = Map::fromArray(['a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd']);
$map->contains(Tuple::of('a', 'b')); //return true
$map->contains(Tuple::of('a', 'c')); //return false

head() and tail() will return first and last tuple of key and value:

$map = Map::fromArray(['a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd', 'e' => 'f']);
$map->head(); //return Tuple::of('a', 'b')
$map->tail(); //return Tuple::of('e', 'f')

map() and other iterable extension with callable as argument will receive Tuple as argument.